Your clients often look to you, their trusted advisor, for recommendations and referrals beyond your expertise. By forming a strategic alliance relationship with NFP Insurance Solutions, you can expand the range of financial services that you offer.
In years past, it was possible to serve many, if not most, of your clients’ needs by yourself. Today, not only is it difficult to advise clients outside of your practice specialty, it’s risky. That’s why more and more advisors are choosing to combine the talents of multiple professionals to provide clients with broader, deeper expertise. By bringing together specialists in life insurance as well as accounting, tax, law, financing, and wealth management, you can provide a higher, more comprehensive level of service and satisfaction. However, it is important to choose your team carefully.
When you partner with us, you get the full resources of NFP Insurance Solutions and PartnersFinancial. Through PartnersFinancial we have leverage. We don't have sales quotas or restrictions. We are independent, transparent, and free to recommend a wide range of strategies, products, or companies that we feel best serve your clients’ interests. We analyze each client’s unique situation and only then do we recommend an approach tailored to his or her unique needs.
We are committed to supporting your client relationships with a full range of insurance solutions from many of the nation’s leading providers. We have significant relationships with more than 20 leading insurance companies for variable and traditional insurance products. In addition, we have preferred access to a wide range of other quality carriers to suit clients’ specific needs. Because of PartnersFinancial’s market position, several carriers have dedicated resources exclusively to us as a member firm.
NFP Insurance Solutions has developed professional strategic alliances with several major private banks, law firms, and CPA firms. This alliance focus and a belief that the insurance professional should be a trusted advisor on a professional advisory team, allows us to serve clients in the best multi-discipline approach possible.
To ensure best in class client service, we engage in a thorough, collaborative, and structured process. More